Silvano Perotti - TLM Hero
Silvano Perotti - TLM Hero
Former European Secretary for The Leprosy Mission

Italian-born Silvano Perotti grew up in Southern Africa and was “at home everywhere” according to his former colleague, Marta Risko. He had different roles during his time within The Leprosy Mission: In 1974, he was the European Secretary. In 1988 he moved to the international office in London as the Director for Support and Development.
Marta interpreted for Silvano when he was the European Secretary for the Mission and made visits to communist-ruled Hungary in the 1970s and 80s. “His visits meant sunshine in a country that was closed towards the outside world,” says Marta: “By then the activity of The Leprosy Mission Hungary was in a starting phase, prayer and knitting bandages were the only opportunities to contribute… His vision, encouragement, perspective and advice meant a lot to the small but very enthusiastic team of volunteers.”