Dr Colin and Sally Martin - TLM Heroes
Dr Colin and Sally Martin - TLM Heroes
Ambassadors, Board Members, and Council Members - Australian

DR COLIN LEONARD MARTIN: TLMI Board Member, Board Member of The Leprosy Mission Timor-Leste, former Board Chair and Board member of The Leprosy Mission Australia, Ambassador. Retired GP (GAICD, MB.BS, DRANZCOG, Grad.Dip.FM, MPH&TM, FRACGP).
SALLY MARTIN: The Leprosy Mission Australia National Council Member – state representative for New South Wales (NSW), Ambassador and former State Committee Member
Colin is a retired General Medical Practitioner, former Chairman of The Leprosy Mission Australia (TLMA) and is currently serving on the International Board, the Board of The Leprosy Mission Timor-Leste and was a Director of TLM Australia for over 11 years. He was also Member of the TLM Global Fellowship Member Review Working Group in 2017-18.
Colin worked at The Leprosy Mission’s Anandaban Hospital, Nepal for almost a year in short terms from 2009 to 2015 and this allowed him to develop an understanding of the problems of leprosy-related services and programmes. He has also been able to see the work of TLM and its partners in Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, India, and Thailand.
Colin is passionate about the need to secure justice and healing for people affected by leprosy, in Jesus' name. He is inspired by the strength and capacity of TLM’s people, who work to serve those in such need, but even more, he is inspired by those persons affected by leprosy who are rising as champions and who are using their skills, talents and passion to fight against discrimination and ignorance.
Colin and Sally have travelled extensively to visit the work of The Leprosy Mission across the world, even hosting trips to Nepal and the Anandaban Hospital, of which they are both so fond. Colin’s commentary on the breakthrough surgical procedures there are not to be missed!
Together and separately, Colin and Sally continue to conduct and participate in many events, services, and meetings on the work of the mission. Both individually gifted speakers, they communicate effectively across a large range of audiences.
Colin also continues to provide expertise, experience and valuable insights to The Leprosy Mission teams across the world and multiple departments therein.
Colin and Sally’s Christ-like compassion and lovely ‘bedside manner’ are a blessing to all they serve – patients, personnel, and supporters alike. God bless them both!