Audrey Sheffield - TLM Hero
Audrey Sheffield - TLM Hero
Volunteer, Australia

Audrey, aged 89, is unstinting in her devotion to care for people who suffer. Her hope is that she can help them achieve a measure of independence and self-assurance.
After her husband joined the newly formed Townsville Auxiliary of The Leprosy Mission in Queensland in June 1980, Audrey and Ralph hosted its meetings at their home. At first, Audrey used to hide in the bedroom and only emerge to serve refreshments. But then she caught the vision and joined the Auxiliary the following February (an Auxiliary is a type of support group for The Leprosy Mission in Australia, functioning in a subsidiary capacity).
After her husband died in 2010, Audrey took over as team leader and organised many functions to raise funds and awareness.
“Oh, to see what people go through!” she says when asked why the work of The Leprosy Mission touches her heart. “You feel so much for them. There's that terrible stigma that they have. We’re trying to get rid of that, but it's very hard.”
Having been a faithful supporter, prayer warrior, team leader, and hospitality provider, Audrey, at age 89, still drives to shopping centres twice a week to sell items from The Leprosy Mission Shop.
“What’s driven me on is the good being done for the leprosy patients – they're all going forward with so much – and you just feel for them.
“The Leprosy Mission is doing all they can to help them, with all the rehabilitation going on and the people who are making the prostheses. When someone has a prosthesis and can walk and has been given a shot at running, it's a wonderful achievement."
While Audrey has had two bouts of cancer since her husband Ralph died in 2010, she hopes to keep going with her twice-weekly stalls.
“Pray that people become aware of leprosy and help because finance is always a big thing, so pray that people will respond. I just pray that my health will hold up and that I'll still be able to continue working at the stalls.”
“My favourite Bible verse is John 3. 16—it’s the gospel in a nutshell. I just ask the Lord for the gift of being able to keep going for Him.”