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woman examining a child for leprosy near the side of a river while 4 other children look on
© Tom Bradley
Field worker, Shopna screens children in the jungle of the Kushtia district of Bangladesh

Understanding Transmission

The transmission of leprosy is poorly understood. We aim to change that.

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Secondary impairments

Detection, monitoring and treatment of secondary impairments.

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We are developing and trialling early diagnostic tests.

Inner wellbeing

Looking at the links between leprosy and inner wellbeing.

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Reactions and neuritis

We are focused on the prevention & management of reactions & neuritis.

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UN Principles & Guidelines

Understanding the impact of this document.

Our Research Partners

These partnerships are vital to achieving zero leprosy

Our Research Committee

The committee guides our research work

Research projects listed

A younger boy looking into the camera.
Being treated for ENL can be a dangerous process, these researchers are looking to change that

With such a range of potentially devastating side effects, current treatments for ENL are far from ideal and ENL patients deserve a better alternative.

An older woman smiling at the camera.
How do we bridge the gender gap in leprosy cases?

In leprosy case detection, women average around 39 percent of all new cases found each year. This is not because of a biological predisposition amongst men, but more likely a result of social factors.

A woman looking into the camera.
What are the challenges that women affected by leprosy face?

Dr Joydeepa talks about how women affected by leprosy overcome the challenges facing them and what we can learn from this.

The world’s first fast, field-friendly test for leprosy is ready

In 2024, Dr Itu Singh from TLM Trust India received the Research Excellence Award in the category of Best Innovation in an Extramural Category from the Indian Council of Medical Research. She received this prestigious award because she has developed a new diagnostic test that will change the landscape of leprosy transmission.

A man and a woman reading through a Pamphlet about PEP++ together.
PEP++: Moving towards a Breakthrough in the Fight Against Leprosy

Leprosy, an ancient disease that has affected millions, may finally be eliminated in the years to come. Thanks to the Stop the Transmission of Leprosy! Project, a ground-breaking global initiative, new strategies are proving highly effective in preventing the spread of the disease. At the heart of this effort is PEP++ (Enhanced Post-Exposure Prophylaxis), an advanced preventive treatment that could change the way the world fights leprosy.

A younger boy in a wheelchair smiling at the camera.
Is it possible to restore feeling to hands and feet that have been damaged by leprosy?

A researcher in India, Professor Pawan Agarwal, has been looking closely at ulcers caused by diabetes. These ulcers are very similar in character to leprosy ulcers, and this researcher saw that perhaps sensation could be restored through surgery.

A doctor examining a foot.
The RIGHT approach to leprosy ulcers

Over the last four years, The Leprosy Mission has been part of a major project that aims to transform the treatment and prevention of leprosy and Buruli ulcers in low and middle-income countries.

A lab technician in India looks through a microscope
TLM's Research Magazine

TLM's Research Magazine provides an in-depth look at TLM's world-leading leprosy research.

A group take part in self-care activities in Mozambique
Transforming the Treatment and Prevention of Leprosy and Buruli Ulcers in Low and Middle Income Countries

Developing guidelines for leprosy centres and health centres to promote and support self-care with a particular emphasis on prevention of recurrence of ulcers in the community.

David interrupts his handiwork with a hammer to smile for the camera
Promoting mental health and wellbeing of people affected by skin NTDs

The Neglected Mind-Skin Link project is piloting the WHO Guide on Mental Health and NTD Integration.

A boy has a skin mark on his arm examined by a leprosy worker
Using smartphones to detect leprosy

Our researchers are looking at ways to use smartphone cameras as a field-friendly quick test for leprosy.