The Leprosy Mission at the CRPD Conference 2024

Following the success of The Leprosy Mission's contributions to the CRPD Conference in 2023, we will be attending again in 2024.
Side event on the right to work
In partnership with UNESCWA and the Permanent Mission of Malta, The Leprosy Mission is hosting a side event entitled, "Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to decent work and sustainable livelihood: lessons from the front line and what this means for states, the UN and civil society"
The side event will include a keynote address from Ms Heba Hagrass, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Panellists will represent Organisations of Persons with Disability, civil society, and UN entities.
The side event is happening in person within the UN Building but will also be broadcast live and available later on the UN Web TV platform.
Representation of persons affected by leprosy at the conference
The Leprosy Mission will be represented at the conference by Mathias Duck and Amar Timalsina, both of whom will have opportunities to speak about their experiences as persons affected by leprosy and seek opportunities for greater engagement for organisations of persons affected by leprosy and leprosy NGOs within the disability rights space.
Engaging with States and civil society
Whilst at the conference, The Leprosy Mission will seek to engage with States on a number of key issues related to implementing the CRPD. This includes practical steps for leprosy endemic countries and the repealing of laws that discriminate based on leprosy.