Dr Ravindra P. Turankar

Dr Ravindra P. Turankar has 16 years of research experience in Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Immunology of Mycobacteria. He holds a PhD (Biotechnology) from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Telangana Hyderabad.
He is passionate about leprosy research work, especially cracking the code of leprosy transmission from environmental sources and leprosy families and their communities with the use of modern molecular technology.
Email: ravindra.turankar@leprosymission.in
Mobile No: +91 9910184866
Dr Turankar is guest editor of Frontiers in Tropical Disease and is a reviewer for the many Scientific Journals including Scientific Reports-Nature, Frontiers in Medicine, Microbiology, BioMed Central, Infectious disease, and Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance.
He is a PhD guide at GLA Mathura University, India, as well as sitting on its scientific advisory committee. He is a leprosy expert for National Leprosy Eradication Program, India and has been an expert for the Global Partnership for Zero Transmission (GPZL). In April 2021, he received the “Chairperson appreciation Award” from the Indian Association of Leprologists (IAL) India at their 31st Biennial Conference.
Details of presentation at ILC-2022
- Oral presentation -ILCABS331: Cohort study to understand the status of Mycobacterium leprae viability and its positivity in nose of leprosy patients after one dose of multidrug regimen
- Oral presentation - ILCABS364: A cohort study: Role of helminthic parasite infection in the development of leprosy
- Poster presentation- ILCABS340: Mycobacterium leprae and non-tuberculous mycobacterial association in the environment of leprosy endemic regions in India
- Poster presentation- ILCABS 347 Existence of viable Mycobacterium leprae in natural environment and its genetic profiling in a leprosy endemic region
- Poster presentation-ILCABS376 Focal Transmission of Mycobacterium leprae Infection in Leprosy Families of Endemic Region in India
List of Publication in indexed journals: 35
1) Turankar RP, Singh V, Lavania M, Singh I, Sengupta U and Jadhav RS. Existence of viable Mycobacterium leprae in natural environment and its genetic profiling in a leprosy endemic region. Front. Trop. Dis. 2022; 3:972682.
2) Turankar RP, Lavania M, Darlong J, Siva Sai KSR, Sengupta U, Jadhav RS. Survival of Mycobacterium leprae and association with Acanthamoeba castellanii from environmental samples in the inhabitant areas of active leprosy cases: a cross sectional study from endemic pockets of Purulia, West Bengal. Infect Genet Evol. 2019; 72:199-204. pii: S1567-1348(19)30001-2.
3) Turankar RP, Singh V, Gupta H, Pathak VK, Ahuja M, Singh I, Lavania M, Dinda AK, Sengupta U. Association of non-tuberculous mycobacteria with Mycobacterium leprae in environment of leprosy endemic regions in India. Infect Genet Evol. 2019; 72:191-198. pii: S1567-1348(18)30883-9.
4) Turankar RP, Lavania M, Singh I, Singh V, Ahuja M, Pathak VK, Jakhmola P, Das L, Darlong J, Hembrom U, Ramesh V, Khanna N, John AS, Sengupta U. Paucibacillary Leprosy: Reappraisal using Ziehl-Neelsen staining of slit skin smears and 16S rRNA Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction of nasal swabs. Lepr Rev. 2018; 89: 272– 279.
5) Turankar RP, Lavania M, Singh I, Ahuja M, Pathak VK, Singh V, Karthikeyan G, Darlong J, Sengupta U. Relapse and Drug Resistance in Leprosy: Present Scenario and Critical Issues. Indian J Lepr. 2018; 90: 79-93.
6) Turankar RP, Lavania M, Singh M, Sengupta U, Siva Sai KSR, Jadhav RS. Presence of viable Mycobacterium leprae in environmental specimens around houses of leprosy patients. Ind J Med Micrbiol. 2016; 34(3): 315 ‑321.
7) Turankar RP, Lavania M, Chaitanya VS, Sengupta U, Darlong J, Darlong F, Siva Sai KSR and Jadhav RS. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based molecular typing of M. leprae from multi-case families of leprosy patients and their surroundings to understand the transmission of leprosy. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014; 20(3): 0142-0149.
8) Turankar RP, Pandey S, Lavania M, Singh I, Nigam A, Darlong J, Darlong F, Sengupta U. Comparative evaluation of PCR amplification of RLEP, 16S rRNA, rpoT and SodA gene targets for detection of M. leprae DNA from clinical and environmental samples. Int J Mycobact. 2015; 4(1): 54-59.
9) Turankar RP, Lavania M, Singh M, Siva Sai KSR, and Jadhav RS. Dynamics of Mycobacterium leprae transmission in environmental context: deciphering the role of environment as a potential reservoir. Infect Genet Evol. 2012; 12: 121-126.
10) Lavania M, Turankar RP, Karri S, Chaitanya VS, Sengupta U, Jadhav RS. Cohort study of seasonal effect on nasal carriage and presence of Mycobacterium leprae in endemic area in general population. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013; 19(10):970-4.
11) Singh V, Turankar RP, Goel A. Molecular characterization of mycobacterial species from environment of leprosy endemic tribal region of north Purulia district of West Bengal. Int J Mycobact. 2019; 8:381-389.
12) Singh V, Turankar RP, & Goel A.Real-time PCR-based quantitation of viable Mycobacterium leprae strain from clinical samples and environmental sources and its genotype in multi-case leprosy families of India. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 39,2045-2055 (2020).
13) Lavania M, Turankar RP, Singh I, Nigam A, Sengupta U. Detection of Mycobacterium gilvum first time from the bathing water of leprosy patient from Purulia, West Bengal. Int J Mycobact. 2014; 3(4): 286-289.
14) Lavania M, Turankar RP, Singh I et al. Commentary Mycobacterial Diseases Detection of Mycobacterium Gilvum First Time from the Bathing Water of Leprosy Patient from Purulia, West Bengal. J Mycobac Dis. 2016; 6(1): 202.
15) Chaitanya VS, Lavania M, Turankar RP, Karri SR, Sengupta U. Increased serum circulatory levels of interleukin 17F in type 1 reactions of leprosy. J Clin Immunol. 2012; 32(6):1415-20.
16) Lavania M, Jadhav RS, Turankar RP, Chaitanya VS, Singh M, Sengupta U. Single nucleotide polymorphisms typing of Mycobacterium leprae reveals focal transmission of leprosy in high endemic regions of India. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013; 19: 1058-1062.
17) VS Chaitanya, Mallika Lavania, Astha Nigam, RP Turankar, Itu Singh, I Horo, U Sengupta, RS Jadhav. Cortisol and proinflammatory cytokine profiles in type 1 (reversal) reactions of leprosy. Immunol Lett. 2013; 156: 159-167.
18) Lavania M, Jadhav RS, Chaitanya VS, Turankar RP, Selvasekhar A, Das L, Darlong F, Hembroom UK, Kumar S, Sengupta U. Drug resistance patterns in M. leprae isolates from relapsed leprosy patients attending The Leprosy Mission (TLM) Hospitals in India. Lep Rev. 2014; 85: 177-185.
19) Vedithi SC, Lavania M, Kumar M, Kaur P, Turankar RP, Singh I, Nigam A, Sengupta U. A report of rifampin-resistant leprosy from northern and eastern India: identification and in silico analysis of molecular interactions. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2015; 204(2):193-203.
20) Lavania M, Jadhav RS, Turankar RP, I Singh, Nigam A and Sengupta U. Genotyping of M. leprae strains from a region of high endemic leprosy prevalence in India. Infect Genet Evol. 2015; 36: 256-261.
21) Nigam A, Singh I, Turankar RP, Lavania M, Sengupta U. Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein: Increased Serum and Localized mRNA Expression as a Monitor for Reactions in Leprosy. SOJ Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015; 3(3): 1-4.
22) Lavania M, Nigam A, Turankar RP, Singh I, Gupta P, Kumar S, Sengupta U and John AS. Emergence of primary drug resistance to rifampicin in Mycobacterium leprae strains from leprosy patients in India.Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015; 21(12): e85-e86.
23) Lavania M, Hena A, Reja H, Nigam A, Biswas NK, Singh I, Turankar RP, Gupta UD, Kumar S, Rewaria L, Patra PK, Sengupta U & Bhattacharya B. Mutation analysis at codon 442 in M. leprae in RRDR region of Rifampicin Does Not Confer Resistance to Rifampicin. Lepr Rev. 2016; 87:93 – 100.
24) Singh I, Lavania M, Nigam A, Turankar RP, Ahuja M, John AS, Sengupta U. Symposium on emerging needs in leprosy research in the post elimination era: The Leprosy Mission Trust India. Lepr Rev. 2016; 87(1):132– 143.
25) Nigam A, Lavania M, Singh I, Turankar RP, Sengupta U. In silico analysis of novel mutations determined within RRDR region of rpoB gene of M. leprae: A possible cause of Rifampicin resistance among leprosy patients. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER). 2016; 6: 2249–6645.
26) Lavania M, Singh I, Turankar RP, Sengupta U. Virtual Screening of Interaction of rpoB gene to Secondary-Line AntiLeprosy Drugs for Rifampicin Resistant M. leprae using In-Silico Approach. Helix 2017; 7(6): 2174-2179.
27) Lavania M, Singh I, Turankar RP, Ahuja M, Pathak V, Sengupta U, Das L, Kumar A, Darlong J, Nathan R, Massey A. Molecular detection of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium leprae from Indian leprosy patients. Journal of global antimicrobial resistance. 2018; 12: 214-219.
28) Ahuja M, Lavania M, Singh I, Turankar RP, Chhabra S, Narang T, Dogra S, Sengupta U. Detection of M. lepromatosis in patients with leprosy in India. Infect Drug Resist. 2018; 10; 11:1677-1683. ISSN: 1178-6973.
29) Lavania M, Singh I, Turankar RP, Gupta AK, Ahuja M, Pathak V, Sengupta U. Enriched whole genome sequencing identified compensatory mutations in the RNA polymerase gene of rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium leprae strains. Infect Drug Resist. 2018; 11: 169–175.
30) Singh I, Lavania M, Pathak VK, Ahuja M, Turankar RP, Singh V, Sengupta U. Vitamin D receptor polymorphism, gene expression and Vitamin D levels in leprosy. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2018; 12 (11): e0006823.
31) Pathak VK, Singh I, Turankar RP, Lavania M, Ahuja M, Singh V, Sengupta U. Utility of Multiplex PCR for early diagnosis and household contact surveillance for leprosy. Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Disease. 2019; 20:114855.
32) Lavania M, Darlong J, Reddy A, Ahuja M, Singh I, Turankar RP & Sengupta U. Successful treatment of rifampicin resistant case of leprosy by WHO recommended ofloxacin and minocycline regimen. Lepr Rev (2019) 90, 456–459.
33) Lavania M, Darlong J, Singh I, Ahuja M, Turankar RP, Pathak VK, Kumar A, Nathan R, Sengupta U. Analysis of bacteriological Index between fixed multidrug therapy and new WHO recommended alternative regimen with ofloxacin, minocycline and clofazimine of rifampicin resistant cases from the hospitals of The Leprosy Mission, India. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2020;23: 275-277.
34) Singh I, Ahuja M, Lavania M, Pathak VK, Turankar RP, Singh V, et al. Efficacy of fixed duration multidrug therapy for the treatment of multibacillary leprosy: A prospective observational study from Northern India. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol doi: 10.25259/IJDVL_915_2021
35) Ahuja M, Singh I Dr, Lavania M Dr, Pathak VK, Darlong J Dr, Turankar RP Dr, Hembrom S Dr, Singh SV Dr, Sengupta U Dr. Ofloxacin resistance in multibacillary new leprosy cases from Purulia, West Bengal: a threat to effective secondary line treatment for rifampicin-resistant leprosy cases. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2022 Sep; 30:282-285.
Books chapter
- Ravindra P. Turankar; Itu Singh; Mallika Lavania; Utpal Sengupta. “Advances in investigation for diagnosis of leprosy and drug resistance” 5th edition of the IADVL Textbook of Dermatology 2022