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Pray with us

How you can pray with us

Prayer is central to all that we do. We would love you to be involved in the prayer life of The Leprosy Mission. Each year we produce the ASK Prayer Diary, which provides a global overview of The Leprosy Mission’s work. You can view the ASK Prayer Diary week by week below, download a PDF of the full year, or request a printed booklet.

You can also follow our prayer life through the PrayerMate app, where we provide daily prayer requests for the work to defeat leprosy delivered direct to your phone. Get involved with PrayerMate here.

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A man sitting in front of a microphone speaking.
Amar Timalsina, an OPL leader from Nepal, speaks at the United Nations in New York.


There are many great leaders within Organisations of Persons Affected by Leprosy. We give thanks for their courage in speaking truth to power and their ability to inspire others to join them.


In November 2024, The Leprosy Mission launched a new global strategy. This strategy will define how we work in the years running up to 2030 and partnership with OPLs is one of the core themes of the strategy. As we begin to implement our plans, we pray that our efforts to increase partnership with OPLs will be fruitful and well-balanced.


Some OPLs are well-established and well-connected, but others are newer and still finding their way. We pray for those newer organisations to grow from strength to strength, and that The Leprosy Mission can play a positive role in their growth.


Jesus so often listened to the marginalized voices and picked out the smallest voices in the crowd. We give thanks that there has been movement in that direction across the world, as our cultures have become better at listening to those with lived experiences of discrimination. We give thanks also that this trend has found its way into our sector. Because this follows Jesus’ example, our world is better for it.


We pray that, as our partners, OPL leaders will always feel they can be open with The Leprosy Mission’s teams and that we will take criticism with humility and an openness to change.


We pray for the influence that OPLs have within their communities. We pray that they will have a positive influence and that other community leaders will not treat them with discrimination but with openness.


We pray for the new generation of leaders within OPLs. We pray they will find spaces to have their voices heard and that we will hear the voices of women, children, and the most marginalised break through.

About our partnership with Organisations of Persons Affected by Leprosy

In recent years, the prominence of Organisations of Persons Affected by Leprosy (OPLs) has grown within the leprosy world. This has been an overwhelmingly positive thing.

These are grassroots organisations whose membership are entirely comprised of people with lived experience of leprosy. The organisations work to provide for the needs of their members and they speak on behalf of their membership in a variety of ways: when working with NGOs like The Leprosy Mission, when advocating with policymakers, and when engaging with the wider network of Organisations of Persons with Disability.

Thanks to the collective voice of OPLs and their ongoing work, NGOs like The Leprosy Mission are in a better position to serve persons affected by leprosy. Over the coming years, we intend to further strengthen these partnerships so that we can defeat leprosy and transform lives together.