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Blog articles

Leprosy is the oldest disease known to man. In most countries it no longer exists and hasn’t done for centuries, yet in many corners of the globe, it won’t go away. Why is this?

Leprosy is the oldest disease in the world. Sadly, hundreds of thousands of people are still diagnosed with it ever year. We are now entering 2020 and I believe that, in the next 15 years, we will end transmission by 2035.

People often have many of their human rights deprived from them when they are diagnosed with leprosy. This is in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human rights and it needs to change.

Leprosy is a socially stigmatised disease – it affects not just the physical, but the mental and social, as well. If we only treat leprosy physically, we are not treating it completely.

Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, but we're working hard to defeat leprosy and transform lives across the country.