Our partners
Our partners
We know that our goal of a world without leprosy will not be achieved by The Leprosy Mission working on its own. We work with partners across the world and are always looking for new partnership opportunities.

Our Current Partners
ILEP is a consortium of international non-governmental organisations with a shared desire to see a world free from leprosy, and an acknowledgment that none of us can achieve this on our own. Through the programmes of its Member associations, ILEP spans more than 60 countries and 1,000 project locations worldwide. Most of the global expertise in leprosy resides in ILEP’s Members and their in-country partners.
The Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy is a coalition of individuals and organizations committed to ending leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease. The Partnership facilitates alignment of the leprosy community and accelerates effective collaborative action toward the goal of zero leprosy.
The Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) NGO Network is a global forum for NGOs to contribute to the global control, elimination, and management of consequences of NTDs outlined within the internationally agreed World Health Organisation NTD Roadmap.
The Leprosy Research Initiative (LRI) is a joint venture of leprosy NGOs across the world who wish to establish and maintain a joint research fund to support leprosy research that fits with the LRI priorities. LRI aims to create a world free from leprosy through promoting, facilitating and funding high-quality leprosy research; strengthening research capacity in endemic countries; and facilitating translation of research results into policy and practice.
Working with 194 Member States, across six regions, and from more than 150 offices, WHO staff are united in a shared commitment to achieve better health for everyone, everywhere. Together they strive to combat diseases – communicable diseases like influenza and HIV, and noncommunicable diseases like cancer and heart disease.
American Leprosy Missions is a global organisation serving Christ by curing and caring for people suffering from leprosy, and by working to end this ancient disease in our time. They are the oldest and largest non-profit organization in the U.S. working to cure and care for people with leprosy and Buruli ulcer worldwide.
Effect Hope (The Leprosy Mission Canada) is a Christian mission that connects like-minded Canadians to people suffering in isolation from debilitating neglected tropical diseases like leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, Buruli ulcer and STH. Through this connection, supporters are able to bring the cure and ongoing care to people struggling with disability and stigma. effect:hope’s work restores those affected to a welcome place in their community.
The AIM Initiative is a program of American Leprosy Missions. Using routine surveillance data of existing cases and morbidity, AIM partners with Ministries of Health, NGOs and others to map cases of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), enabling more accurately targeted delivery of health services.
European Christian Organisations for Relief and Development (EU-CORD) is a network of 24 NGOs that work alongside over 1,000 implementing partners worldwide. As individual organisations (and as a network) they are an inter-denomination grouping of Christian relief and development agencies, inspired by Christian values to accomplish their work.
InfoNTD is the one-stop portal of information on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), such as disease prevention, disease management, disability, inclusion, stigma, mental wellbeing, health education, mHealth and WASH.
Micah is a global network of Christian ministries and individuals who are united by their shared passion for integral mission. Micah was established in 1999 to answer the question asked in Micah 6:8.