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Our team in Timor Leste

TLM Timor-Leste’s Projects

Timor-Leste reached leprosy elimination (less than one case per 10,000 population) in 2011, however, over the past few years the new cases have been increasing. TLM Timor-Leste continues in partnership with the Government to work towards leprosy elimination and reduced leprosy-related disability in high-endemic districts, particularly in Dili, Baucau, and Oecusse. In these areas, TLM runs a project that focuses on early diagnosis and treatment, prevention of disability, and greater leprosy awareness in communities.

One of TLM Timor-Leste’s most significant achievements has been the development of an independent, national organisation of persons with disabilities and the Association of Disability in Timor-Leste, with whom TLM works closely to promote quality of life and full participation in society. A community-based rehabilitation project aims to integrate people affected by leprosy back into the community, particularly through the formation of flourishing self-help groups of people affected by leprosy and by disabilities. TLM’s country leader in Timor-Leste is Afliana (Nona) Lisnahan.