TLM Switzerland comprises a team of seven that operate from two offices, one in the German- and one in the French-speaking part of the country.

TLM Switzerland’s Work
TLM Switzerland works in partnership with other Global Fellowship Members to implement projects in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, DR Congo, and Niger. Within Switzerland, the team raises awareness about leprosy and themes related to it, such as poverty, exclusion, and development. It offers the opportunity to be involved in praying for and supporting people affected by leprosy and/or disabilities and their families. TLM Switzerland releases a newsletter four to six times a year that contains moving life stories, news from the leprosy projects, prayer information, and the latest about TLM.
History of TLM Switzerland
Switzerland was the first country outside the British Isles in TLM’s support-raising history. TLM started in Switzerland in 1905 when a small group of women heard about TLM’s work and began to support it through prayer and collecting donations.