Our Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct

© Ricardo Franco
The Leprosy Mission (TLM) is committed to the safeguarding and protection of everyone we work with, including beneficiaries, volunteers, TLM staff and the staff of partner organisations.
We seek to understand and model best practice in global standards for safeguarding and whistleblowing. Our safeguarding, bullying and harassment and whistleblowing policies have recently been reviewed and re-approved by our Board of Trustees in April 2018.
As an organisation, we regularly consider how we can improve the application of our policies in practice:
- We are asking all staff, volunteers and representatives to sign a code of conduct (Code de conduite en français) which lists the standards of behaviour expected. The code of conduct also lists behaviour that is not acceptable.
- We review our safeguarding and whistleblowing policies at least annually and update them as needed.
- We are ensuring all new staff, volunteers and representatives receive safeguarding training as part of their induction.
- We are providing refresher safeguarding and whistleblowing training for all TLM staff, volunteers and representatives. We are also setting up a programme to develop the capacity of our partner staff.
- We have set up an independently-administered whistleblowing 24/7 hotline called ‘Safecall’ that anyone – TLM staff, volunteers and partner staff – can call to report potential incidents of misconduct and safeguarding concerns. The contact details (email and telephone) were made available on The Leprosy Mission International’s website on 15 November 2018. We are in the process of making these details available to all partners in their national languages. The link to Safecall can be found on the ‘Reporting a concern’ section of our Safeguarding page.